Input Track Profile

The free version users can try this function but cannot save data.

Click 'Input Track Profile'.

The dialog box shown below pops up  

Usage of the grid control on this dialog box

[Free] If turned on, the input cell can be moved freely.

[Station] If turned on, the input cell can be moved for the station input mode.

[Turnout] If turned on, the input cell can be moved for the turnout input mode.

[Curve] If turned on, the input cell can be moved for the curve input mode.

[Grade] If turned on, the input cell can be moved for the grade input mode.

[Open] button opens the existing data file.

[Save] button saves the inputted data to a file. The data folder is C:\Users\your user name\Documents\NotchManMini\Route\

[Clear] button clears all data.

If units are set as shown below, you can select the unit of length and curvature.

The unit for distance can be selected as mile or feet.

The unit for curvature can be selected as DC, feet or mile.

DC stands for degree of curvature. To input DC data smoothly by a ten key, a period "." is used to separate degree, minute and second.

If the DC data is 2 degrees 30 minutes 15 seconds, you must input 2.30.15.
If the DC data is 1 degrees 52 minutes, you must input 1.52.
If the DC data is 48 minutes, you must input 0.48.

If you want to input curve data as a radius, specify the unit feet or mile.


Input Sample

0 value in the Curve cell means a straight line.

If the same value repeats in the curve column or in the grade column, you can omit it. Leave each cell blank.

Only a numerical value is allowed except for the station column.
The mistyped data is warned by a yellow color (red arrowed in the left sample).

Distance data must be in ascending order.
But you can input stations, turnouts, curves and grades respectively as shown in left figure.

After completing the input, you can sort them by clicking the red arrowed list control header [Distance(m)].

Input data using units " mile, mph, Degree of Curvature".

The track data shown above are converted from "meter, km/h" to "mile, mph, DC" and inputted with the track data editor (left).




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